A few quick follow-up thoughts and questions on time.
In the midst of all that’s going on in the world – entering year 3 of the pandemic, Russia invading Ukraine, white supremacy blatantly rearing its head (ever louder for the folks in the back), the patriarchy clamoring to stay in power, and, and, and, it’s becoming even more evident that TIME IS ALL WE HAVE.
And none of us knows how much time we have on the planet. This is a hard and wonderful truth.
How do you want to spend your days?
How do you want to fill your life?
Do you want to keep doing things you don’t want to do? Is that a valuable use of your time and energy and effort?
If time is currency, where do you want to spend it?
If time is energy, how do you want to harness it?
I know these are all complex questions and I don’t have your answers, I’m only discovering my own, and living those questions as I speak. I do think these are important and urgent questions to ask ourselves as we move towards building a life and a business and a career and a family that we love, that serves us so we can serve others.
I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day.
You are fantastic and I like your face.