Hey you!
If you’re reading this, you’re one of my sexy people. Yay! I’m so glad you’re here.
Now that you have PUSH IT by Salt n’ Pepa playing in your brain (and if you don’t, let’s fix that), let’s talk about what I mean.
And neither are you.
I get it, though – when you’re running your own thing, saying no to any potential business is hard to do. Especially when you don’t know where the next client is coming from, when you have those big goals to hit, or when you’re just a really nice person who doesn’t want to let anyone down.
But here’s the deal.
If you’re finding yourself dragging ass, avoiding phone calls and emails from your client, rolling your eyes every time you sit down to work, and not having the time or energy to put yourself out there, it’s time to get clear on your ideal person. It’s okay for you to start being real picky about who you let in to your magnificent energy AND connect with the ones you really want.
Let’s dive in.
The benefits of working with your ideal person:
- Marketing gets a hell of a lot easier cause you can speak directly to your person and what they need.
- You’re in flow more often than not because you’re doing what you love with people you like.
- Boundaries happen naturally – because your person understands that you’re a human, and is grateful for the work you do.
- You learn better, and you get to grow forward.
It’s pretty freaking rad.
3 ways to get clear on your person:
1) Think about your favorite client experience, or about the client you’d LOVE to have
2) Write a document as if you were them, expressing:
- What they’re doing (or not doing)
- What’s keeping them up at night
- How they’re currently feeling
- Why they’re feeling that way
- What they value
- What they want most
- Why they (think they) can’t have it
- What having it would mean to them
- Where they might look to find it
3) Write your ideal person a love letter letting them know you see them and know what they’re going through
Dear sexy person, I see you. I know what you’re going through and what you want. Here’s how I can help you. CALL ME!
Notice that this is NOT quite your typical “avatar” exercise, just sussing out gender, age, industry, etc. That’s always felt a little foreign and too “in the box” for me.
It’s more about uncovering the emotions behind your ideal person, what they want, and what drives them to get it.
I know it might seem a little weird at first, and feel super hard to do when we’re busy saying yes to everything that comes our way (or when we’re lamenting the clients we DON’T currently have), but stay with it.
Doing this work gets you in a space of imagination which is crucial for lasting change. Documenting it in this way also helps to cement the gifts you offer, and because you are putting yourself in your clients’ shoes, it helps you position why you are the right person to help them.
Try it out and let me know how it goes!
And remember to have a little patience with yourself in the process. It might be awkward at first, and like anything new, it takes practice and heaps of self-compassion.
I hope that helps a tiny bit in your journey to being YOU in your business, and loving what you do, who you do it for, and who you are.
The way you do it is the magic of it. You are fantastic, your energy is precious, and I like your face.
Now get on out there and dance. Dance, I say! #pushitrealgood
Talk to you soon.
PS. Are you still feeling stuck? I totally get it. I’d love to interview you to learn more about your business right now. In exchange for your input, I’ll gladly offer 15 minutes of free support to get you moving forward. Schedule your time here!