My WTF Manifesto

It’s 6 days to launch and y’all, if you could see the way my brain has been beating me up about my “What the F?ck to Holy Sh!t” tagline.

I haven’t been able to write, I haven’t been able to think, I haven’t been able to see myself clearly. I’ve just been judging myself – HARD. “I should be smaller. That’s too much. You can’t say that.” IT’S BEEN FUCKING EXHAUSTING.

In the shower this morning, I just decided that I’d had enough of doubting it. I got out, got dressed, and recorded this video, wet hair and all.

Please enjoy my WTF Manifesto.

I made it for me, and I made it for you. But mostly for me. It’s unedited, uncut, and it is what it is.

If this is something that you want to start declaring for yourself in your business (even without cursing!), I think we should chat. You can always reach me by filling out the form!

Cheers to you being you in your biz and in your life.



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